Love146’s vision is the end of child trafficking and exploitation. Nothing less. We believe this is only possible through a bold, broad vision that cannot be achieved by only one person, organization, perspective, or approach. The movement of people who agree that no child should be trafficked encompasses a broad base of diverse stakeholders and supporters — people who disagree about a myriad of issues, but who all share the vision of the end of child trafficking. The movement benefits from this wide-reaching support and from its diversity; from the voices of people who come to the table with different perspectives and experiences. Child trafficking intersects with a wide range of issues including but not limited to housing insecurity, poverty, and racism. It does not occur in a vacuum. Traffickers prey on a multitude of vulnerabilities in order to exploit children. Therefore, in order to realize the end of child trafficking and exploitation we must acknowledge and devote effort to the issues that impact and intersect with child trafficking. As such, Love146 strives to set a big table in order to foster both collaborations and the collective will to end child trafficking.
Our Team
Erin Williamson, LCSW, MPA
Project Lead & Chief Programs and Strategy Officer at Love146
Roberta Senter, LCSW
Long Term and Rapid Response Senior Program Manager
Aria Flood, MPH
Director of U.S Programs
Daniella Pérez, MS
Prevention Training Program Manager
Not A Number
Shady Grove is based on Love146’s Not a Number prevention education curriculum. Not a Number was developed by experts in human trafficking, and is grounded in empirical literature and best practices in prevention education. Not a Number has been shown to improve youth’s knowledge, the likelihood of challenging harmful attitudes and behaviors, and help-seeking. Not a Number is currently undergoing a rigorous outcome evaluation funded through the CDC. In order to ensure Shady Grove is survivor-informed, Love146 will convene focus groups of youth who have gone through Love146’s Survivor Care Program (84% of whom have had child welfare involvement) at multiple stages of the development process. These focus groups will enable Love146 to gain youth’s insights, ensure character portrayals and storylines are authentic, and test prototypes for engagement and usability.
Committed to building towards evidence-based programming, long-term Love146 will pursue an independent rigorous outcome evaluation of Shady Grove similar to the one currently being funded by the CDC for Not a Number.
Youth responses after participating in a Not a Number group.