Shady Grove is a web-based videogame intervention that provides youth with the information and skills they need to make safe choices when encountering potentially exploitative situations.
Through a diverse set of characters and storylines that reflect the realities for system-involved youth, Shady Grove helps youth:
Understand what trafficking is
Learn how traffickers manipulate vulnerabilities
Understand the risks associated with certain behaviors
Practice skills and strategies for navigating potentially exploitative situations
Children in child welfare often struggle to attend current anti-trafficking prevention programs due to residing in foster placements that may be geographically spread out; difficulty obtaining needed transportation; and involvement in multiple service programs which hinder attending a program that it is only offered at a specific time and location. The web-based game, Shady Grove will fill this critical gap in the field by offering an alternative model for trafficking prevention education. With broad accessibility, Shady Grove has the potential to reach the over 600,000 youth in the U.S. child welfare system.
Shady Grove moves past just the provision of information and focuses on developing strategies that youth can learn and incorporate later in their lives. Through honest depictions of topics such as human trafficking, vulnerability, and violence, children engage in interactive activities in order to learn and exercise their skills in identifying signs and red flags of grooming and recruitment. Youth also practice navigating risky and/or unsafe scenarios that are reflective of real-life situations faced by children who have been exploited.
Following the development of Shady Grove, Love146 will collaborate with at least two child welfare agencies to pilot test larger scale implementation of this prevention intervention. Love146 already has deep partnerships with child welfare agencies across the country, and Bethany Gilot will support this work as Chair of the National Child Welfare Anti-Trafficking Collaborative.
Can you Identify and Navigate the Risk?
Riley’s Story
Riley was excited because she recently started dating a girl she’s been gaming with for a while. However, her parents found messages from her girlfriend on her computer and they are not happy about this relationship. They told Riley she needed to stop this and threatened to kick her out of the house. Riley says she is not gonna wait around for her parents to make a decision and may just leave anyway because her girlfriend knows a place they can stay and a way they can make money.
Jenna’s Story
Jenna works at a cell phone shop to help her parents with money. Recently her boss has been very caring and a listening ear for her struggles at home. He’s given her extra shifts so she can make more money and even got her a new phone so she can check in on her siblings. She’s excited to be out of school soon so she can work the whole day. Recently, her boss has been a little pushy and asking her to close the shop a lot, but Jenna knows he just really cares about her. She can trust him better than anyone she knows.
Trent’s Story
Trent has never struggled to fit in or make friends. He’s not super popular but he gets along with everyone just fine, including his new foster family. During a weekend tournament, he made a friend on another soccer team. Everyone in their town tries out for this team every summer and it’s extremely competitive. His friend said he can help him make sure he gets a spot on the roster. However, recently Trent has started to feel uncomfortable with the messages and pictures he’s started receiving. His best friend Brandon has noticed Trent is acting differently but Brandon doesn’t know what to say.